Asylum Seekers and Refugees (ASR)

ASR represent some of the most vulnerable people in our society.  There are very real challenges faced by those who arrive in NI.  Schools in NI provide a vital role in promoting the well-being of ASR children by helping them build their confidence and develop friendships in a positive learning environment.  Our schools, principals, teachers and professional advisors have welcomed the diverse group of ASR children that are arriving in NI and continue to develop extensive skills and experience in meeting their individual needs.

Support Available

There is support available for ASR children and young people.  To find out more visit the Education Authority website:

Asylum Seeker & Refugee Support Team

Ukrainian pupils

Supporting the well-being and education of children and young people from Ukrainian continues in our schools across NI.  Ukrainian children and young people, like all newcomers including ASR, will be supported as they get used to their new school surroundings and to learning a new language.

Support Available

There is support available for Ukrainian children and young people.  To find out more visit the Education Authority website:

Support for Ukrainian Newcomer pupils

The Executive Office has published a guide for Ukrainians arriving in NI:

Information for Ukrainians arriving in Northern Ireland

English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)

Learning a new language can be challenging. If your child has a different first language to English, resources are available to help them learn English at home as well as at school:

ESOL Home Leaning Newcomer Resources

If your child is above the compulsory school age for NI (16 and over) and would like to improve their English, you can find more information on NI Direct:

English for speakers of other languages




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