Applications sought for board members for Middletown Centre for Autism
Date published:
The Department of Education (DE) has launched a public appointments competition to appoint a vice chairperson and at least two directors to fill vacant positions on the Board of the Middletown Centre for Autism (MCA).

MCA is a joint north south initiative with funding provided by DE and the Department of Education and Skills (DES) to support the promotion of excellence in the development and harmonisation of education and allied services to children and young people with autistic spectrum disorders.
DE is committed to the principles of public appointments based on merit with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. DE is also committed to providing equality of opportunity for all applicants and to improving diversity and eradicating under-representation on the boards of its Arm’s Length Bodies.
Applications are welcomed from all backgrounds regardless of religious belief, gender, disability, ethnic origin, political opinion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or whether or not you have dependents. Applications are particularly welcome from women, people under 30 years of age, members of ethnic minorities and people with disabilities as these groups continue to be under-represented on the boards of public bodies.
Details of the roles and the full selection criteria are set out in the application pack which is available by contacting the Department. The closing date for applications is 4pm on Thursday 9 May 2019.
Notes to editors:
- The competition will reflect the principles and practices of the Commissioner for Public Appointments (CPANI) Code of Practice. All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process.
- Copies of the application pack can be obtained from the Department in the following ways.
Telephone: 028 9127 9461/7684
Website: or
In writing: Education Governance Team,
Department of Education,
5th floor, Rathgael House,
43 Balloo Road,
Bangor Co Down,
BT19 7PR. - Application packs can be made available in other formats eg Braille, large print. Requests for documents in alternative formats can be made by contacting the Department as above. CVs, letters, additional pages or any other supplementary material should not be submitted in place of or in addition to the completed application form.
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- Media enquiries to the Department of Education Press Office Tel: 028 91279207. Out of office hours, contact the Duty Press Officer number 028 9037 8110.