3001 publications
TNC 2015/1 Protocol for home-school E-learning
This document provides guidance on the approach to be followed in delivering a home - school e-learning pilot for pupils who are on short term absence as a result of illness or medical condition.
DP 323 Primate Dixon Primary School, Coalisland
Development Proposal No. 323 - Establishment of a full-time nursery unit at Primate Dixon Primary School, Coalisland
Draft budget 2015-16 - SCELBs - equality screening
Draft Budget 2015-16 Equality Screening - Staff Commission for Education and Library Boards
Draft budget 2015-2016 - Aggregated schools budget - equality screening
Equality screening - Aggregated Schools budget
DP 268 Gortnagarn Primary School, Omagh
A copy of (WELB) Development Proposal submission No. 268
Draft budget 2015-16 - Council for Catholic Maintained Schools - equality screening
Draft Budget 2015-16 Equality Screening - Council for Catholic Maintained Schools
Draft budget 2015-2016 - ELB Block Grant budget - equality screening
Equality screening for ELB Block Grant budget
Draft budget 2015 - 2016 CCEA - equality screening
Draft Budget 2015 - 2016 Equality Screening for CCEA
Departmental use of end of Key Stage outcome data - Joint letter to schools
Letter to schools regarding departmental use of end of Key Stage outcome data
Joint letter to schools - Department of Education use of end of key stage outcome data
Letter clarifying how the Department of Education uses schools’ end of key stage outcome data.
DP 267 Scoil na Fuiseoige
South Eastern Education and Library Board Development Proposal No. 267
Draft budget 2015-2016 - Bookstart - equality screening
EQIA Screening for Bookstart
Draft budget 2015-2016 - Sure Start - equality screening
Equality and human rights screening for Sure Start
A policy for shared education
The aim of this policy is:To encourage and facilitate collaborative working across educational providers, on a cross sectoral basis, to deliver educational and social benefits to learners, promote equality of opportunity, good relations, equality of...
Acheiving Belfast and Acheiving Derry Bright Futures Programme - equality screening
Equality Screening for Acheiving Belfast and Acheiving Derry - Bright Futures Programme
Draft budget 2015-2016 - Entitlement Framework - equality screening
Equality Screening for Draft Budget 2015-16 Entitlement Framework
Data Security Policy
Effective data security is a key priority for the Department of Education (DE). It is vital for public confidence, ensuring the efficient, effective and safe conduct of the Department’s business.
Major Works Furniture and Equipment - equality screening
Equality Screening for Major Works Furniture and Equipment
Draft budget 2015-2016 - Minor Works - equality screening
Equality Screening for Minor Works
Draft budget 2015-2016 - Schools Enhancement Programme - equality screening
Equality Screening for the Schools Enhancement Programme