Curriculum and learning
Information to support the delivery of the curriculum in schools, raising standards and school improvement
Children and Young People Issues
Working together to improve the well-being of all children and young people in Northern Ireland.
Pupils and parents
Help and advice for pupils and parents on a range of educational and personal issues is available on nidirect, the government website for he public.
Teaching staff
Teachers' pay and conditions, including pensions and teacher training information
Non-teaching staff
Information for non teaching staff in relation to pay related issues and terms and conditions
Schools and infrastructure
Types of schools, schools’ management, transport to school, school admissions policy, area planning, and health and safety in schools.
Support and development
Support on issues including child protection and safeguarding, school meals and keeping children safe online
Statistics and research
Publications produced by Statistics and Research Team on behalf of the Department.Our statistical practice is regulated by the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR).
Good Relations and Social Change
Good relations and social change, building a united community.