Deputy Secretaries
Currently, the Department has two Deputy Secretaries, Linsey Farrell and Heather Cousins.
Linsey Farrell
Linsey Farrell has been Deputy Secretary for Education Policy and Children’s Services at the Department of Education since October 2021.

In this role Linsey has responsibility for a range of education policy areas including Early Years, Children and Youth; Curriculum, Qualification and Standards; Inclusion and Wellbeing; and Promoting Collaboration, Tackling Disadvantage.
Prior to moving to this post, from 2003 Linsey held various posts within The Executive Office.
Heather Cousins

Heather is Deputy Secretary of the Sustainability and Infrastructure Group in the Department of Education. In this role she is responsible for the Department’s Sustainable Schools Policy, for the building and maintenance of the Schools Estate and for the development of shared education campuses including Strule. Other policy areas include shared education, integrated education, Irish Medium and oversight of relevant Arm’s Length Bodies, policy and oversight in relation to food, transport and school uniforms.
Prior to moving to this post, Heather was Deputy Secretary in the Department for the Economy 2016 to July 2023, and Deputy Secretary in the Department for Employment and Learning from September 2013 to 2016