Governor vetting

Guidance for the vetting of school governors and AccessNI criminal record checks


Circular 2024/10 is to remind all education settings and Employing Authorities of the pre-employment/AccessNI check requirements for staff and volunteers who work in: or provide services for education settings and to provide clarity on the level of vetting required:

Further guidance on Child Protection and Safeguarding including the vetting of teaching and non-teaching staff, is available on the Department's website:


Those selected for a DE governor position may be subject to a criminal record check however, applicants should note that a criminal record will not necessarily be a bar to obtaining a position.

Policy of the Recruitment of Ex-offenders

When an employer uses AccessNI criminal record checks in recruitment, they must have a written policy on recruiting ex-offenders. The policy in respect of DE Public Appointments and appointments/nominations to school Boards of Governors is available here: Policy of the recruitment of ex-offenders 

More information on criminal record checks is available on the nidirect website:

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