Nursery school census form
Nursery schools should use the following link to complete their census return electronically.
- You will be unable to complete your postcode return until the census form has been submitted
- Once you have logged in using the username and password posted to your school, each of the pages of the form can be located by using the menu on the right hand side.
- For each table, the totals will automatically calculate, and any potential errors will flag up when you click “check for errors” on the “save” page. If you do this as you complete the form, please note that errors will flag up for subsequent tables. These should correct themselves when you input the figures into these tables.
- Please ensure that you save the form regularly by clicking “save and continue” on the “save” page.
- When completed, and any errors have been corrected, please sign off and click “submit final return” on the “save” page. This will direct you to a summary of your response which you can print off for your own records.