Under the Period Products (Free Provision) Act (Northern Ireland) 2022, (The Act) all government Departments in Northern Ireland must specify by Regulations ‘Public Service Bodies,’ which must establish and maintain arrangements to ensure that period products are obtainable, free of charge, on their premises. In other words, Departments must specify which of their bodies will be legally required to make sure free period products are available for use on their premises.
- Outcome of Consultation on the Department of Education Consultation on Period Products (Free Provision) Regulations
- Department of Education Consultation on Period Products (Free Provision) Regulations
- DE Consultation - Personal Data Privacy Notice
- S75 Screening form of Period Products -Free Provision- -Department of Education- Regulations
Consultation description
DE is not consulting on whether or not free period products should be widely available to the public - that is already provided for under the Act. The Regulations will be the first step in putting the law into place in DE's areas of responsibility, including schools, Education Other Than At School (EOTAS) settings , pupil referral units, statutory youth settings and office accommodation of specified 'Public Service Bodies'. The Consultation will run for 8 weeks from 22 August 2022 to 16 October 2022.
The Department of Education is consulting with its 'Public Service Bodies' and also welcomes views from its wider stakeholder base.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.