Teacher Education in a Climate of Change - The Way Forward

Consultation opened on 01 June 2010. Closing date 08 November 2010.


The Department of Education and the Department for Employment and Learning have jointly undertaken a review of teacher education. A key aim of the Teacher Education Review has been to ensure that the whole teacher education system is organised to effectively address the changes facing the education sector in the coming years.


Consultation description

The Policy Framework document, which emanated from the Review, entitled “Teacher Education in a Climate of Change – The Way Forward”, outlines proposals on how the system will deal with the challenges facing teacher education and sets out the respective roles of the various players.

The consultation ran from 21 June 2010 to 8 November 2010.  Copies of the letter of notification, the consultation document: “Teacher Education in a Climate of Change – The Way Forward” and the response booklet can be viewed using the above links.

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