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A Fair Start

This report was commissioned to meet the commitment within the ‘New Decade, New Approach’ agreement which set out the requirement for an expert group “to examine and address links between persistent educational underachievement and socio-economic background, including the long-standing issues facing working-class, Protestant boys”.
The report includes eight key areas within which the panel has recommended 47 actions for change.

The Key Areas are:

  1. Redirecting the focus to Early Years.
  2. Championing Emotional Health and Wellbeing.
  3. Ensuring the relevance and appropriateness of Curriculum and Assessment.
  4. Promoting a whole community approach to education.
  5. Maximising boys’ potential.
  6. Driving forward Teachers Professional Learning.
  7. Supporting the professional learning and wellbeing of school leadership.
  8. Ensuring Interdepartmental collaboration and delivery.


Delivery of the actions for change is overseen by a Programme Board with representation from:

  • NICS Departments
  • Education Authority
  • CCEA
  • CCMS









Programme Delivery & Delivery Progress Reports

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