More time to apply to be a Member of the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations & Assessment (CCEA): Extended to 26 October 2023
Date published:
The Department of Education (DE) is looking for people to fill vacancies on the Council of CCEA. The closing date has now been extended for applications until 4pm BST on Thursday 26 October.
While appointments are not remunerated, members may claim travel and other expenses necessarily incurred while carrying out their CCEA duties, and the time commitment is approximately 2 days per month.
Further details on the selection criteria, the role responsibilities and time commitment are set out in the Information Booklet which is part of the application pack.
How to Apply
The closing date for receipt of applications is 4pm BST on Thursday 26 October 2023.
Further information on these opportunities and an application pack is available by contacting DE:
Telephone: (028) 9127 9461 or 9127 7684
By writing to: Education Governance Team, Department of Education, Room G12, Rathgael House, 43 Balloo Road, Rathgill, Bangor, BT19 7PR.
Applications are welcome from a wide range of people who have an interest in public service, and we would particularly welcome applications from women, people with a disability, young people and people from minority ethnic groups for these positions. A Guaranteed Interview Scheme is in place for those applicants with a disability.
Application packs can be made in a different format e.g. large print please contact us. CVs and late applications will not be accepted.