The data behind the publications are available here
The management information presented in the following link are derived from a temporary data collection from grant-aided schools and educational settings. This data collection started on 23 March 2020, when settings closed due to COVID-19. Figures reflect the responses made by settings to a daily survey.
From 23 March 2020 a daily survey has been issued to educational settings. This was the date when educational settings in Northern Ireland were closed to pupils, with the exception of:
- Vulnerable children – where “Schools should work in conjunction with parents/ carers, the Education Authority (EA) and, where appropriate, social services to identify and assess vulnerable children to determine if their best interests would be met by the school’s continued supervised learning.”; and
- Children, up to Year 10 (age 14 proxy), of key workers – where “no other viable option for their child’s supervision” was available.
Attendance at educational settings in NI during COVID-19 22 to 29 June 2020
Attendance at educational settings in NI during COVID-19 15 to 19 June 2020
Attendance at educational settings in NI during COVID-19 08 to 12 June 2020
Attendance at educational settings in NI during COVID-19 01 to 05 June 2020