Teacher workforce statistics and teacher vacancies, sickness absence and substitution statistics published
Date published:
The Department of Education has published two statistical bulletins today.
They are the ‘Teacher workforce statistics in grant-aided schools in Northern Ireland, 2017/18’ and ‘Teacher vacancies, sickness absence and substitution statistics in grant-aided schools in Northern Ireland, 2017/18’.
These statistical bulletins provide analysis of the latest annual data collections in relation to teacher numbers, pupil: teacher ratios, teacher vacancies, teacher sickness absence and teacher substitution costs in grant-aided schools in 2017/18.
Key Points
The number of full-time equivalent teachers is 18,489.6. This represents a slight increase of 0.2 from 18,489.4 in 2016/17.
The median age of teachers is 41.5 years, an increase from 41.0 years in 2013/14. There are proportionally fewer teachers aged under 30 this year (11.1%) than in 2013/14 (11.9%).
The teacher headcount is 19,867 this is an increase of 89 teachers from 2016/17. The proportion of teachers working part-time continues to rise.
The proportion of teachers working in all schools who are male has been declining over the last five years. Most notable is the absence of male teachers in nursery schools.
The overall Pupil: Teacher Ratio (PTR) in 2017/18 is 18.0, an increase of 0.2 from 2016/17.
There were fewer vacancies in November 2017, than in the previous year, with 1,154 teacher vacancies at the end of the academic year 2016/17, 855 (74.1%) of which had been filled by November 2017.
The average number of days lost per teacher due to sickness in all schools was 9.3. This represents a decrease of 0.2 days from the previous year.
Teacher substitution costs decreased from £73.6 million to £69.0 million.
The number of substitution days worked by Prematurely Retired Teachers has fallen to 6,305 days in 2017/18. This represents 1.3% of the total days worked, compared to 14.4% in 2008/09.
Notes to editors:
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Further Information
Requests for further information should be addressed to:-
Leonie Robinson
Analytical Services Unit
Department of Education
Rathgael House
Balloo Road
BT19 7PR
Telephone (028) 9127 9992
E-mail: leonie.robinson@education-ni.gov.uk
6. DE Statistical Bulletins can be accessed on the Department's website at education workforce
7. Please send any feedback on the content or presentation of this publication to the
Email: leonie.robinson@education-ni.gov.uk
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