Priorities for Youth (PfY) Policy Review
DE’s Priorities for Youth (PfY) policy was published in 2013, and with all actions completed is now due for review. The policy review commenced in September 2023 and it is anticipated that the work will not be completed before end of 2025/early 2026 at the earliest.
A copy of the policy is available on the DE website at Policy at Priorities for Youth | Department of Education (
The DE Corporate Plan 2023-28 under the “Inspiring all our children and young people to make a positive contribution to society” commits to ;
“Provide all children and young people with the opportunity, knowledge, skills, experience and support to equip them to make a positive contribution to the economy and society. To achieve this we will: Co-design regional and local youth development plans and work with statutory and voluntary youth work organisations to meet assessed needs of young people and develop their personal and social skills.”
Reqular updates on the PfY Policy Review will be provided below.
If you would like further information on the policy review or to discuss further, please contact
For the most recent update see October 2024
For the most recent update see July 2024
For the most recent update see the January 2025
Update: March 2024
To facilitate the policy review, DE has established the following groups;
- A Project Board with overall responsibility for the management of the policy review.
- To date a Project Initiation Document (PID) has been developed, a Project Timeline has been presented, a risks and issues register has been created and updated, a lessons learned log has been developed, a schedule of meetings has been produced and a stakeholder mapping exercise has been carried out.
- A Young People’s Reference Group to ensure young people’s voices are central to the policy review and development process. Drawing on research by the University of Ulster on co-design in policy, the Department is progressing on the basis of ‘lived experience’ of children and young people who will be central to the process. The Young People’s Reference group will also advise on the wider participation of children and young people through a range of other methodologies, including surveys, focus groups, etc.
- A Policy Reference Group (PRG) to capture key views, inform and support the review and development of a new policy. Membership reflects the broad and varied nature of the youth sector groups, including voluntary and statutory providers. It also aims to facilitate engagement on specific themes with stakeholders beyond the Policy Reference Group, through Thematic Sub-groups, to help expand the reach of the policy review.
- A Cross-Departmental Group to ensure strategic alignment, improve co-operation and maximise investment in relation to the provision of youth work across NI Departments.
Youth Work Policy review - Youth practitioners survey
GDPR Privacy Notice - Youth Practitioner Survey