Qualified to teach
Details on the qualifications required to be eligible to teach in grant-aided schools in Northern Ireland.
Qualified to teach
The General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland (GTCNI) which is a self-regulatory professional body for teachers has a statutory duty to determine who should be a member of the teaching profession in Northern Ireland.
All teachers who wish to have their qualifications approved for the purposes of registration with the GTCNI and eligibility to teach should contact the GTCNI.
Engagement of Unqualified Teachers
DE Circular 2023/07 explains that it is not permissible for grant-aided schools to engage unqualified teachers for any period.
To teach pupils with visual and/or hearing impairment
Qualified teachers who wish to teach pupils with visual and/or hearing impairment must ensure they have the requisite qualifications. DE Circular 2007/22 gives a list of acceptable qualifications.
To teach technology and design in secondary schools
Qualified teachers who wish to teach technology and design in post-primary schools must ensure they have the requisite qualifications. DE Circular 2007/22 gives a list of acceptable qualifications.
To teach in Catholic maintained nursery and primary schools
In order to teach in a Catholic maintained nursery or primary school in a permanent capacity, teachers must hold the recognised Certificate in Religious Education. This requirement was introduced by the Council for Catholic Maintained Schools (CCMS) to recognise that nursery and primary schools have a pivotal role in preparing children to receive each of the sacraments.
Appointment of teachers
Teachers are appointed to posts by ‘management committees’ according to the type of school. Vacancies are usually advertised in the Belfast Telegraph, Irish News, News Letter and in Educational Journals. The Department does not appoint teachers.
For a list of the Management Committees please access the link below.
Salary and conditions under current regulations
- are placed on the salary scale according to the determination of employers;
- are normally required to be available for work 195 days each academic year;
- must satisfy the employing authority that they have the health and physical capacity to teach.
The Department of Education is under duty to protect the public funds that it administers and to this end may use the information held in connection with your payroll records/pension benefits for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies administering public funds solely for these purposes.