School milk and meals - background
Background information about school milk and meals including legislation, policy, the position in relation to nurseries and free school meals.
Articles 58 and 59 of the Education and Libraries (NI) Order 1986, as amended, require the Education Authority (EA) and Boards of Governors (BoGs) of Voluntary Grammar Schools (VGS) and Grant Maintained Integrated Schools (GMIS) to provide milk, meals and other refreshments and the facilities to consume them, in accordance with arrangements approved by the Department.
The Department is responsible for formulating and developing policy and the necessary financial arrangements. The day-to-day operation of the school meals service is a matter for the EA in the controlled and maintained sectors and individual VGS and GMIS.
The EA and BoGs of VGS and GMIS provide the service in line with the Approved Arrangements for the Provision of Milk, Meals and Related Facilities made under Articles 58 and 59.
There are separate Arrangements for the:
- Education Authority
- Voluntary Grammar Schools
- Grant Maintained Integrated Schools
Further information on school food can be found on the EA website.
Position in relation to nurseries
The Department wrote to the Education and Library Boards (ELBs), VGS and GMIS in November 2010 confirming the position in relation to the provision of school meals in nursery schools and nursery units. The letters can be viewed using the following links:
- Arrangements for the Provision of Milk, Meals and Related Facilities - Letter to BELB
- Arrangements for the Provision of Milk, Meals and Related Facilities - Letter to VGS/GMIS
Free school meals
Education Minister Paul Givan has announced an interim change to the eligibility criteria for families applying for free school meals and uniform grants for the 2024/25 academic year.
The annual net earnings threshold that applies to free school meals and uniform grants applicants who are in receipt of Universal Credit has been raised from £14,000 to £15,000.
Information on free school meals and uniform grants and how to apply is available on the EA website.
Certain categories of pupils are entitled to free school meals. Details of the qualifying criteria are contained in paragraph 6 of the Arrangements. For the purposes of paragraph 6.iii. of the Arrangements the maximum taxable income is currently £16,190.
The EA is responsible for administering the award of free school meals.