44 results
Child protection and safeguarding
Pupil Child Protection and Safeguarding
Pupil Child Protection and Safeguarding
Safeguarding Children - Training material
Training material to raise awareness of child protection and safeguarding in schools.
Protecting and safeguarding our children
Much work has and is currently taking place to bring about changes to law and practice in child protection to ensure all possible steps are taken to keep our children safe in our schools and...
Safeguarding and Child Protection in Schools - A Guide for Schools
Department’s new guidance – “Safeguarding and Child Protection – A Guide for Schools”.
Child Protection and Safeguarding - Guidance on Choosing an External Training Provider
Child Protection and Safeguarding.
Draft budget 2015-2016 - Safeguarding and Behaviour Support - equality screening
Draft Budget 2015-16 Equality Screening for Safeguarding and Behaviour Support
Circular 2017/04 - Safeguarding and Child Protection in Schools - A Guide for Schools
This circular is to advise you of the publication of the Department’s new guidance – “Safeguarding and Child Protection – A Guide for Schools”.
Safeguarding the welfare of children enrolled under the Pre-School Education Programme
Guidance for providers on safeguarding the welfare of children enrolled under the Department of Education funded Pre-School Education Programme (PSEP)
New ‘Safer Schools’ app launched
A new safeguarding app will now be available to teachers as well as parents and carers in Northern Ireland.
Publications and Guidance on child protection issues for schools
Child protection and safeguarding - Guidance on choosing an External Training Provider
McIlveen launches new Safer Schools NI app
Education Minister Michelle McIlveen has launched a new app for schools to safeguard children and young people when online.
Publications and guidance on child protection issues for schools
Training materials, publications and guidance to schools and those with responsibilities in child protection.
‘Safer Schools’ app launched for children and young people
The Department of Education Northern Ireland 'Safer Schools' digital safeguarding app is available, for the first time, to children and young people in Northern Ireland.
Support and development
Support on issues including child protection and safeguarding, school meals and keeping children safe online
Governor vetting
Guidance for the vetting of school governors and AccessNI criminal record checks
Chief Inspector of Education and Training Inspectorate
Commissioner for Children and Young People
Child sexual exploitation (CSE) - definition and guidance
The following definition and guidance for professionals on Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) has been agreed for use by the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland and its member agencies.
Trauma Informed Practice training to support children and young people launched
A new training programme focusing on raising awareness of trauma and its potential impacts on children has been launched today.