Getting Ready to Learn (GRtL) & Getting Ready for Toddler (3+ Review)

Getting Ready to Learn (GRtL) is an application based programme open to all DE funded pre-school education settings; the aim is to engage and empower parents to help them create and sustain positive home learning environments.

Getting Ready for Toddler (3+ Review) is a collaboration between health and education, with the focus being on the outcomes of young children. Each DE funded pre-school education setting has a named health visitor who, with the co-operation of parents / carers and staff in the preschool settings, carry out the 3+ Review.

Getting Ready to Learn Programme (GRtL)

GRtL seeks to support pre-school education providers with DE-funded places to encourage and develop parental involvement in children’s early learning. It is focused on improving outcomes for children in pre-school by engaging and empowering parents to help them create and sustain positive home learning environments.   

The Education Authority (EA) is responsible for managing and implementing GRtL, including the application process. Further information on GRtL can be found on the Getting Ready to Learn website.

Getting Ready to Learn: the story so far video summarises the positive impact and outcomes of the Getting Ready to Learn programme to date.

Resources for parents to support home learning

Resources for parents to support home learning are now available on the Parents section of the Getting Ready to Learn website which provides a range of fun, play-based activities aimed at pre-school children, including the ‘20 Activities for 20 Days’ resource. 

The UK Government’s Hungry Little Minds website also provides useful home learning ideas and activities for children age 0-5.

Getting Ready for Toddler (3+ Review)

The 3+ Review - Guidance for Pre School settings  is a collaboration between health visitors, pre-school education providers and parents. The 3+ Review links with the pre-school curricular guidance providing parents and practitioners with valuable information that can be used to support a child’s development. The information also enables early identification of needs and where necessary appropriate referral to support services.   

The Public Health Agency leads on the implementation of the 3+ Review, in partnership with Department for Education and the Education Authority. The 3+ Review was offered to 60% of pre-school children in 2018/19, and the Health Trusts are committed to its continued roll-out on an incremental basis.

The guidance has been developed for pre-school education teachers and leaders, to maximise the potential of health and education working collaboratively to improve outcomes for children and to support the planning and delivery of the 3+ Review by the named health visitor in partnership with pre-school education settings and parents/carers.


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