ICT in schools
The effective use of ICT plays a central role in all the key education policies being taken forward by the Department of Education (DE), including the curriculum and the literacy and numeracy strategy. Ensuring that young people acquire the skills to use ICT effectively, confidently and safely is a key priority for DE.
Classroom 2000 (C2k)
The C2k project was established to procure the infrastructure and services necessary to support the enhanced use of information and communication technology (ICT) in schools in Northern Ireland.
The project is sponsored by the Education Authority on behalf of the Department of Education.
The C2k service provides every grant-aided school across Northern Ireland with a modern, connected ICT infrastructure.
C2k’s education technology contract – education network for Northern Ireland - EN(ni) commenced on 1 April 2012 and will deliver Europe’s first education cloud environment to schools across Northern Ireland.
EN(ni) is provided by Capita Managed IT Solutions (formerly Northgate Managed Services) and delivers the hardware and software required by schools, along with secure Internet access; increased bandwidth; a help desk and user support; and a new elearning platform called fronter.
This service has been designed to create a dynamic, future proofed, flexible service which delivers increased access to a rich pool of learning resources. It supports collaboration between schools and helps develop skills which equip learners for the future.
It gives teachers and pupils access to learning resources from across the world and brings these resources into the classroom. Access to the ‘digital classroom’ and its e-learning tools, lessons and resources is possible from any internet connected device, 24 hours a day - allowing teachers, pupils and parents to work in partnership to support learning. The communications and e-learning elements of the service support collaboration between schools and offers pupils a richer learning experience.
Since 2000, DE has invested over £632 million in providing the ICT infrastructure in our schools through the Classroom 2000 project making Northern Ireland a recognised leader in the use of ICT in education.
Further information on the C2k project is available by accessing the C2k website.
ICT mark
The ICT mark was designed by the former Becta organisation to enable schools to take a whole-school approach to the use of ICT and benchmark their performance against established best practice. Since the closure of Becta on 31 March 2011, Naace has continued to develop and run the ICT mark.
Information about the benefits of the ICT mark and how a school may access it is available on the Naace website.
ICT safety in schools
DE has worked closely with key organisations involved in child protection to provide guidance for schools on the safe use of the Internet and other digital technologies.
The guidance is available online and links are provided to a range of information and resources for schools to use when drawing up their policies on the acceptable use of the Internet.
Wi-fi is being used in more schools as ICT use for teaching and learning continues to grow. Further details can be found in the link below: