Irish-medium schools
Irish-medium education is education provided in an Irish speaking school. The Department of Education has a duty to encourage and facilitate the development of Irish-medium education.
Number of Irish-medium schools
There are currently 30 Irish-medium schools in Northern Ireland and a further 10 Irish-medium units attached to English-medium host schools. Of the 30 schools, 28 are primary and two are post primary.. Of the 10 Irish-medium units attached to English-medium host schools, 7 are primary and 3 are post-primary.
Statistical information on Irish Medium Education can be found in the link below.
If you would like more information about Irish-medium education you can contact Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta (CnaG). CnaG was established by the Department of Education in August 2000 and its remit is to promote Irish-medium education.