Statements, consultations and assessments
Publications schedule, statements, consultations and assessments produced by the Department of Education Statistics and Research Team.
Official statistics
All statistics produced by the Department are designated as ‘Official statistics’ and some of our statistics are designated as ‘National Statistics’. As such, they are produced in line with the UK Statistics Authority's Code of Practice for Statistics.
Departmental statistical statements and policies
As well as complying with the Code of Practice and its supporting Protocols, all of our National Statistics are produced and published in accordance with specified Departmental statistical statements and policies.
Review and assessment of statistics
Under the Code of Practice, statistics produced by the Department are subject to regular review and assessment. Details of recent assessments and subsequent actions taken are published by the Department
Occasionally, the Department may consult publicly in relation to proposed changes to statistical releases. There are no such consultations at present.
Statistical publication schedule
The Statistics and Research Team produce a schedule of upcoming publications:
Contact us
For general enquiries, data requests and feedback, contact the Analytical Services Unit (ASU).