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2938 publications

Resources to support self-evaluation and development planning.

Published 07 January 2011Guidance literature

Guidance on how schools might address ways to promote sustainable development through the school’s teaching and learning, leadership and management and engagement with its community.

Published 07 January 2011Guidance literature

Guidance on accounting for targeting Social Need funding.

Published 07 January 2011Guidance literature

School development planning action plan template for guidance purposes.

Published 07 January 2011Guidance literature

Case studies illustrating how some schools have used the school development planning process to support their improvement.

Published 07 January 2011Guidance literature

This circular sets out the requirements for the Boards of Governors to prepare, and periodically revise, a school development plan in accordance with SR 2010 No.

Published 07 January 2011Circulars

This document explains how statutory annual leave entitlement is to apply when a teacher is absent as a result of long term sickness.

Published 01 January 2011Circulars

PriceWaterhouseCoopers were commissioned in March 2010 to carry out a School Governors Research Project in the 2009/10 school year.  The researchers collected information through interviews with a number of stakeholders and a survey of governors.

Published 31 December 2010Research and analysis

Student achievement in Northern Ireland : Results in mathematics, science and reading among 15-year olds from the OECD PISA 2009 study.

Published 01 December 2010Research and analysis

This circular introduces the online Guide for governors and contains a brief summary of each chapter in the Guide.

Published 01 December 2010Circulars

This statistical bulletin presents an analysis of examination performance of pupils in year 12 and year 14 at post-primary schools in Northern Ireland for the 2009/10 academic year. Additional tables relating to the statistical bulletin can also be found below. 

Published 26 November 2010Statistical reports

This purpose of this statistical bulletin is to provide details of participation by 16 and 17 year olds in full-time education and vocational training in Northern Ireland (NI) for 2009/10.

Published 25 November 2010Statistical reports

The Department wrote to the Education and Library Boards (ELBs), VGS and GMIS in November 2010 confirming the position in relation to the provision of school meals in nursery schools and nursery units.  The letter can be viewed using the following links:

Published 16 November 2010Guidance literature

This Circular provides updated guidance for Principals and Boards of Governors on the Extended Schools programme.

Published 12 November 2010Circulars

Consultation response booklet to the Early Years Strategy

Published 01 November 2010Forms

The Effective Pre-school Provision in Northern Ireland (EPPNI) project is a longitudinal study that has investigated the development of children between the ages of 3 and 11 years.  

Published 29 October 2010Research and analysis

Advice and guidance for schools on class sizes in practical subjects in post-primary schools.

Published 13 September 2010Correspondence

This letter is to remind schools that they can assume the Department's approval for an increase in class size as set out in paragraph 6 of Circular 2004/05.

Published 13 September 2010Correspondence

Increase in teachers' salary rates from 1 September 2010

Published 01 September 2010Circulars

These guidelines advise Principals and schools’ Boards of Governors on how to identify ‘newcomer’ (formerly known as EAL) children and document this accordingly and also provide clarification of the criteria to be applied when designating a pupil as ‘ne

Published 24 August 2010Guidance literature

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