FOI/EIR Disclosure Log 2023

Information released in 2023

Date of Request Our Reference   Information released Business area
29/12/2023                       DE/2023-0131 A copy of the business case prepared by the Department in relation to DP 673 which discontinued St. Anne's PS, Donaghadee Area Planning Policy Team    
29/12/2023                       DE/2023-0130 Primary School Contact details                                                          

Information Management Team

27/12/2023                       DE/2023-0129 Translation costs

Departmental Business Support Services 

27/12/2023                       DE/2023-0128 Early Years and children centres                                    Information Management Team
22/12/2023                       DE/2023-0127 School contact details                                          Information Management Team
19/12/2023                       DE/2023-0126 Copy of the materials and questions used in the Education Authority Youth Service RSE Programme  Youth service Policy
08/12/2023                       DE/2023-0125 Could you please provide the quantum of funding allocated to early education and childcare by the Department of Education, for each of the last ten years                     Childcare Strategy
07/12/2023                       DE/2023-0124 Any correspondence between the Department and CCMS , the Catholic Schools Trustees Service or the Education Authority relating to an alleged conflict of interest regarding CCMS proposals to close St. Mary’s Primary School, Fivemiletown
Area Planning Policy Team
01/12/2023                       DE/2023-0123 Department's Workplace Domestic Violence and/or Gender-based violence policy Information Management Team
01/12/2023                       DE/2023-0122 Copies of information sent to Permanent Secretary regarding Development Proposals 667 and 668                              Area Planning Policy Team
16/11/2023                       DE/2023-0121 Cost of industrial action in schools                                                                     Information Management Team
15/11/2023                       DE/2023-0120 Primary and Secondary School information                                                  Information Management Team
10/11/2023                       DE/2023-0119 School Performance and Leaver Data                                                     Statistics & Research Team                               
06/11/2023                       DE/2023-0118 Reclassification of Voluntary Grammar Schools as Non departmental Public bodies Financial Reporting Team
03/11/2023                       DE/2023-0117 EQIA Consultation Resource Budget 2023/24   Budgeting Team
03/11/2023                       DE/2023-0116 Lost /Stolen / disposed of laptops / mobile phones                                      Information Management Team
02/11/2023                       DE/2023-0115 Lost / Stolen laptops / mobile phones during financial year 22/23             Information Management Team
01/11/2023                       DE/2023-0114 How much allocated to Elmgrove Primary School over last 4 years for SEND Implementation                                           Special Education & Inclusion Review Team



Admissions complaint All Saints College                                          

School Admissions Team

31/10/2023                       DE/2023-0112 Criteria for Specialist Language Provision                                               Information Management Team
26/10/2023                      DE/2023-0111 School absence / attendance Mid Ulster Area                                       Statistics & Research Team
21/10/2023                      DE/2023-0110 Records held regarding Moneynick Primary School                                    Area Planning Policy Team
20/10/2023                      DE/2023-0109 Records held regarding Dunane Primary School                        Area Planning Policy Team
19/10/2023                      DE/2023-0108 Requesting a copy of the report into the Review of Grading in Modern Languages at GCSE and A level and any relevant information linked to it    Curriculum and Assessment Team
06/10/2023                      DE/2023-0107 Facilities Departmental Business Support Team
03/10/2023                     DE/2023-0106 CCEA restructuring                                                                                       Curriculum and Assessment Team
29/09/2023 DE/2023-0105   Information around decision to admit pupil to All Saints College, Belfast                 School Admissions Team
28/09/2023 DE/2023-0104 Membership of integrated Education Steering Group / working Group Integrated Education Act Implementation Team
28/09/2023 DE/2023-0103 Internal emails around placing consultation on DE website Integrated Education Act Implementation Team
19/09/2023 DE/2023-0102 Funding for Mental Health intervention  Pupil Support Team
13/09/2023 DE/2023-0101 Mobile phone contracts Financial Reporting Team
09/09/2023 DE/2023-0100  DE Contract Register       Education Technology and Procurement Team
06/09/2023 DE/2023-0098 All communication between DE and UK Government
on Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)?
Estate Policy and Financial Management Team
05/09/2023 DE/2023-0097 Awareness of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) Estate Policy and Financial Management Team
05/09/2023 DE/2023-0096 Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in Foyle Constituency Estate Policy and Financial Management Team
04/09/2023 DE/2023-0095 Email encryption / E-signature products Information Management Team
01/09/2023 DE/2023-0094 Confirm how many school buildings currently in use in Northern Ireland
have been constructed using Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)?
Asset Management Team
31/08/2023 DE/2023-0093 A level / GCSE performance statistics including Free School Meal pupils Statistics & Research Team
31/08/2023 DE/2023-0092 Please provide under FOI details of all schools in Northern Ireland affected by the
concerns about the use of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete, known as RAAC in the construction process
Asset Management Team
24/08/2023 DE/2023-0091 Regulations / Consultations and Strategies unable to be progressed without a Minister Information Management Team
11/08/2023  DE/2023-0090 School Staffing back pay Information Management Team
09/08/2023 DE/2023-0089 Department Data Breaches Information Management Team


Schools with reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) DE Site and Legal Team
09/08/2023 DE/2023-0087 Contract register Education Technology and Procurement Team
04/08/2023 DE/2023-0086 Hotel booking for DE officials Department Business Services
02/08/2023 DE/2023-0076 -0085 Capital investment by council area Estate Policy & Financial Management Team
01/08/2023 DE/2023-0075 Spending on Sale Force Products Information Management Team
27/07/2023 DE/2023-0073 Voluntary Grammar Schools treated as NDPBs Financial Reporting Team
26/07/2023 DE/2023-0072 IT Provision Information Management Team
24/07/2023 DE/2023-0071 List of invoices paid outside of 30 days Financial Reporting Team
23/07/2023 DE/2023-0070 Recurrent funding by constituency Information Management Team
21/07/2023 DE/2023-0069 Customer Relationship Management software Information Management Team
20/07/2023 DE/2023-0068 Development proposals to close Primary Schools Area Planning Team
20/07/2023 DE/2023-0067 Average PISA Mathematics and Science scores Statistics & Research Team
19/07/2023 DE/2023-0066 Media Intelligence Services Contract Information Information Management Team
18/07/2023       DE2023-0065 Communication between DE and GTCNI regarding FOI requests and the DPO Post GTCNI Interim Sponsor Team
17/07/2023 DE/2023 - 0064 Breakdown of Capital Investment since 1998       Estate Policy and Financial Management Team
11/07/2023       DE/2023-0063  Legitimacy of the NIPSA Ballot    Information Management Team
06/07/2023 DE/2023-0062 School Enrolment variation          School Admissions Team
05/07/2023 DE/2023-0061 Corporate Estate Managing Maintenance Departmental Business Support Team
04/07/2023 DE/2023-0060 Department's vacant land / property Information Management Team
02/07/2023 DE/2023-0059 Amount paid on TR269 Form Teacher Pay Pension Team
24/06/2023 DE/2023-0058 Information on school sport parnerships Information Management Team
28/06/2023 DE/2023-0057 Promotion of Principal  /Vice Principals in post primary schools from within the school Information Management Team
21/06/2023 DE/2023-0056 Gender neutral toilets at Department HQ Departmental Business Services Team
21/06/2023 DE/2023-0055 Spend on branded merchandise last 5 years Information Management Team
16/06/2023 DE/2023-0054 Pathway Fund - list of applicants and scoring against criteria Early Years - Intervention Programmes Team
16/06/2023 DE/2023-0053 Normalisation School Numbers Area Planning Team
15/06/2023 DE/2023-0052 Data Protection Act 2018 compliance Information Management Team
15/06/2023 DE/2023-0051 Project SPARK funding correspondence Youth work policy team
13/06/2023 DE/2023-0050 Reports and publications unable to take forward without a Minister Information Management Team
12/06/2023 DE/2023-0049 All documents held on Development Proposals 673 and 683 Area Planning
12/06/2023 DE/2023-0048 Use Ministerial car Since November 2022 Private Office
12/06/2023 DE/2023-0047 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL NO 673 and 683 - Update on
previous request (de/2022-0123)
Area Planning Team
02/06/2023 DE/2023-0046 Correspondence  / meetings with NIO on restoration of Assembly Private Office
02/06/2023 DE/2023-0045 Visits to open ai sites Information Management Team
02/06/2023 DE/2023-0044 Early years Department staffing and number working on
childcare strategy
Childcare Strategy Team
29/05/2023 DE/2023-0043 Pre school funding Pre School Team
30/05/2023 DE/2023-0042 SEN Funding allocation last 10 years Financial Monitoring Team
29/05/2023 DE/2023-0041 School pupil data - pupils under 16 who did not return following coronavirus & suspension / expulsion due to using
copyrighted material found from essay farms or AI writing services annually, since 2013’
Information Management Team
26/05/2023 DE/2023-0040 St Mark’s High School, Warrenpoint – ECPD Information Management Team
22/05/2023 DE/2023-0039 Review of Grading of Modern Languages GCSE and A Level Report Curriculum and Assessment Team
15/05/2023 DE/2023-0038 Mobile Phone Contract Financial Reporting Team
10/05/2023 DE/2023-0037

Census data for primary schools in Lisburn and Castlereagh Council area October 2019-October 2022

Statistics and Research Team
01/05/2023 DE/2023-0036 Correspondence and documentation relating to public consultation on Development Proposal 694 Area Planning  - East Region
28/04/2023 DE/2023-0035 Alerts relating to Fraud Internal Audit Team
27/04/2023 DE/2023-0034 Religious breakdown Primary / Post Primary Schools Information Management Team
25/04/2023 DE/2023-0033 Cloud Infrastructure Information Management Team
17/04/2023 DE/2023-0032

Childcare Funding

Childcare Team
14/04/2023 DE/2023-0031 Sure start Centres Early Years Team
02/04/2023 DE/2023-0030 ETI SENDO and Accessibility Plan training Education training Inspectorate
02/04/2023 DE/2023-0029 PE Teacher / Head of sport contact details and pupil numbers Information Management Team
02/03/2023 DE/2023-0028 Head Teacher contact details and pupil numbers Information Management Team
30/03/2023 DE/2023-0027

Classroom Assistant Data

Statistics and Research Team
19/03/2023 DE/2023-0026 Reinforced aerorated autoclave concrete in schools Information Management Team
19/03/2023 DE/2023-0025 list of schools that have had asbestos removed in Northern Ireland during the last ten years Estates Operation Team
17/03/2023 DE/2023-0024

number of people working in schools under your jurisdiction who were disciplined or dismissed for content posted on social media / only fans

Information Management Team
02/03/2023 DE/2023-0023 Departmental documents around ICT and corporate procurement Information Management Team
02/03/2023 DE/2023-0022

a copy of all communication with schools and training materials that were provided for schools, regarding their responsibilities under SENDO and Accessibility Plans

Special Education Team
23/02/2023 DE/2023-0021 Information relating to a report that the then Minister for Education commissioned into Education Authority funding for Voluntary and Statutory Youth Work in the summer of 2021 Youth Work Policy Team
20/02/2023 DE/2023-0020

The Childcare Sustainability Support Fund during the Covid period.  This fund was in partnership with the Department of Education and Department for Health. 

I wish to know-> 

  1. The total amount of what was available in all schemes for Childcare in response to Covid?
  2. How much was allocated?
  3. Can you provide a list of recipients' names and total amount received?
  4. What was the criteria applied to allocate funds?
  5. What evidence did the recipients have to provide?
  6. Can you provide a blank copy of the application form required from Childcare providers?
Childcare team
20/02/2023 DE/2023-0019

Please provide a list of any and all contact your organisation and/or staff have had with British American Tobacco, Imperial Brands, Japan Tobacco International, Philip Morris International, as well as any other domestic or transnational tobacco companies or anyone representing the tobacco industry including subsidiaries of tobacco industry.

I would like this information for the period from 1 April 2021 to 20 February 2023.

Information Management Team
16/02/2023 DE/2023-0018

I am researching school closures in the North Belfast and Newtownabbey areas from 1970's to present. You may have information already published but I was unable to locate this.

Could you please advise where I might access information regarding school closures at all levels in this geographical area?

School Governance Team
15/02/2023 DE/2023-0017

1.Does the Department of Education have a statutory duty to fund and support the Independent Counselling Service for Schools?

2. An overview of the services that the Department has a statutory duty to fund and deliver.

3. An overview of the services the Department do not have a statutory duty to fund and deliver, but are currently funding.

Information Management Team
15/02/2023 DE/2023-0016

Of staff employed by outsourced companies providing services for the Department for Education– how many are employed on ‘zero hours’ or ‘casual’ contracts?


Please provide a breakdown by job title

Information Management Team
06/02/2023 DE/2023-0015

A list of Statutory Policies that Primary Schools and Nursery Schools in Northern Ireland must have, as well as any recommended/advisory policies that schools are required to keep.

Information Management Team
07/02/2023 DE/2023-0014 All notes, records of any meetings between DE and EA in respect of savings plans / budget for 2022/23 and 2023/24 and in respect of the Pay and Grading review Information Management Team
05/02/2023 DE/2023-0013 Please send me by e-mail a copy of each AQE test paper for the tests in November/December 2022 Curriculum Support Team
01/02/2023 DE/2023-0012

1.   How much does it cost to administer and send letters relating to overpayments of pay / pension?

2.  How many overpayments of pay / pension per year are you having to administer each year?

Teachers’ Pay & Pensions Team
27/01/2023 DE/2023-0011 Correspondence between DE and EA over Saving Plan / Budget  /Pay & Grading Review 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 Information Management Team
25/01/2023 DE/2023-0010 Land relating to former Suffolk Primary School Belfast Information Management Team
25/01/2023 DE/2023-0009 Department’s Contract Register Education Technology and Procurement Team
23/01/2023 DE/2023-0008

Within the Department of Education how many:

a) Staff have faced investigations for cases of sexual misconduct in each of the past 5 Years

b) Staff have been prosecuted for sexual offences in each of the past 5 years

Please provide the disciplinary outcomes and a breakdown by the sex of the staff member investigated

Information Management Team
23/01/2023 DE/2023-0007 Post primary schools in Northern Ireland with 600 pupils situated at a 60 mph speed limit Information Management Team
18/01/2023 DE/2023-0006 Unqualified personnel worked in a teaching capacity in schools during the 2022/23 academic year Teacher Pay and Pension Team
12/01/2023 DE/2023-0005 School achievements at GCSE and A Level Statistics & Research Team
11/01/2023 DE/2023-0004 Year 13 Pupils and subject areas Statistics and Research Team
08/01/2023 DE/2023-0003 Decisions not able to be taken in absence of a minister Information Management Team
08/01/2023 DE/2023-0002 Number of students that don’t speak English at home as first language Statistics and Research Team
03/01/2023 DE/2023-0001 Staff occupancy rates for September- December 2022 Information Management Team


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