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2938 publications

Schools model disposal of records schedule in Word format.

Published 01 January 2013Forms

Letter notiying schools that the above Order, which will make the revised Levels of
Progression and associated arrangements statutory, has passed scrutiny by the Education
Committee and has now moved to the next stage of the legislative process.

Published 17 December 2012Correspondence

NEELB proposal to increase enrolment at Gaelscoil Éanna, Glengormley with effect from 1 September 2013, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Published 13 December 2012Development plan/framework

These statistical bulletins contain data gathered through the school enrolments census exercise and show information on school and pupil numbers.

Published 12 December 2012Statistical reports

Learning to Learn Focused Consultation response booklet

Published 04 December 2012Forms

The purpose of this report is to present the achievements of Year 6 pupils in Northern Ireland who took part in the PIRLS 2011 and TIMSS 2011 studies.

Published 01 December 2012Research and analysis

This five year longitudinal study tracked 378 boys from nine post-primary schools across Northern Ireland, investigating their educational experiences and factors that impacted upon their social, physical, psychological and emotional well-being.

Published 30 November 2012Research and analysis

A young peoples' version of the response document for the consultation on potential short-term changes to A Levels.

Published 30 November 2012Consultation reports

BELB proposal to close Ballygolan Primary School from 31 August 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Published 15 November 2012Development plan/framework

SEELB proposal to establish a part-time nursery unit at Ballymagee PS, Bangor with effect from 31 August 2013, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Published 13 November 2012Development plan/framework

This guide is for people who need to use a computer safely and comfortably.

Published 07 November 2012Guidance literature

This circular is to inform school authorities about revised procedures for applying for a class size exception, if such an exception will also result in the school exceeding its agreed admission/enrolment number. 

Published 05 November 2012Circulars

This document provides a summary of the key policy proposals and outline of main proposals.

Published 01 November 2012Policy papers

A research report detailing findings of the Physical Education in Schools, electronic survey.

Published 31 October 2012Research and analysis

SELB proposal to increase capacity at Donacloney Primary School, with effect from 1 September 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Published 15 October 2012Development plan/framework

WELB proposal to close Ballycolman Nursery School with effect from 31 December 2012 and to establish an additional double nursery unit under the management of St Mary's Primary School, Strabane.

Published 11 October 2012Development plan/framework

Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2012

Published 28 September 2012Financial plans and reports

This letter is to remind Principals of the necessity of putting in place/reviewing, during the first term of each school year, an appropriate action plan which details how schools will deal with any exceptional closures which may arise during the school year due to extreme wea

Published 25 September 2012Correspondence

This strategy focuses on the importance of language learning and on the need to
improve the uptake of languages in schools and colleges and in the wider community,
but also recognises that languages are important for wider economic, social and

Published 18 September 2012Independent reports

SELB proposal to increase capacity at Fair Hill Primary School, Kinallen with effect from 1 September 2013, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Published 14 September 2012Development plan/framework

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