3001 publications
A guide to managing critical incidents in schools
This guidance is intended to help schools be prepared for a critical incident and to ensure effective management in a difficult situation.
Guide to Managing Critical Incidents in Schools - Appendices
Appendices to the Guide to Managing Critical Incidents in Schools as separate documents for download.
Guide to Managing Critical Incidents in Schools - Appendices (Irish Version)
Appendices to the Guide to Managing Critical Incidents in Schools as separate documents for download.
A Guide to Managing Critical Incidents in Schools - Irish version
Tá an treoir seo curtha le chéile le cuidiú le scoileanna a bheith ullmhaithe sa chás ina dtitfeadh teagmhas criticiúil amach agus le bainistiú éifeachtúil a chinntiú i gcásanna tromchúiseacha.
Education workforce - 2012/13 statistical bulletin
The purpose of this statistical bulletin is to provide analysis of the latest annual collections relating to teacher numbers, teacher vacancies and Pupil : Teacher ratios in grant-aided schools in 2012/13.
DP 293 - Bush Primary School
Submission for development proposal 293 to establish a nursery unit at Bush primary school.
DP 294 - St Patrick's Primary School
Copy of development proposal submission for St Patricks Primary School.
DP 295 - St Colman's Primary School
Copy of development proposal submission for St Colman's primary school.
TNC 2014/1 Performance review and staff development scheme
This circular supersedes TNC 2009/10 and sets out the framework for the Performance Review and Staff Development Scheme which applies to all qualified teachers, other than beginning teachers or those participating in Induction or Early...
Community use of schools guidance Toolkit - Annexe 1 - 8
Annexes 1 to 8 of the community use of schools guidance toolkit.
DP 238 Priory College
Development Proposal No. 238 - East Belfast Development Proposals
Relationships and Sexuality Education - ETI guidance
This document provides advice to schools on the best practice identified by the ETI in relation to the provision of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE).
Community use of school premises - A guidance toolkits
The guidance has been designed to develop and disseminate good practice It offers usefuladvice on the key issues a school may want to consider when initially deciding whether andhow to open its premises for community...
SEN early years supplement
This resource is designed specifically for practitioners working in theearly years sector with children who have been identified as havingspecial educational needs (SEN) and/or disability (DIS), referred to in thisresource as children with SEN.
Development proposal decisions 2013 summary
Summary of development proposal decisions 2013
Pre-school education programme - survey of parents
These publications present findings from various years for the Pre-school Education Programme survey of parents.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - country background report for Northern Ireland
This background report is designed to provide factual information on how the education system in the north of Ireland works, how it is funded, its key priorities and how delivery against those key priorities is...
Circular 2013/24 - Guidance on a school's duty to verify application information
This circular advises principals and Boards of Governors on the duty to verify information contained within applications for admission.
School Omnibus Survey - findings 2013
Findings from the School Omnibus Survey 2013 relating to shared education, stemworks and business education, pupil participation, pre-employment vetting, websites and communication, physical education, supporting pupils with medication needs.
NI Computer Based Assessment - independent review
The aim of this review has been to identify the factors which contributed to the problemsassociated with the implementation of Computer Based Assessment (CBA) in 2012/13 –covering policy and practices in the period from Policy...